Hat-trick of deals at Bristol’s One Redcliff

Software consultancy Scott Logic has taken the part first floor at One Redcliff in central Bristol – meaning that the landmark office building is almost fully let.

Scott Logic, which already has offices in Newcastle, London, Edinburgh and Copenhagen, has taken 6,540 sq ft at the prominent tower office building, which is situated near Bristol Bridge at the junction of Redcliff Street and Victoria Street.

Global real estate advisor Colliers International acted jointly with Morton Property Consultants on the deal on behalf of Aberdeen Standard Investments.

James Preece, National Offices Director at Colliers International in the South West and Wales, said only the South Wing – comprising 3,550 sq ft – now remained to be let.

“This is the third letting we have secured at One Redcliff over the past 12 months,” he said.

“One Redcliff is a familiar feature of Bristol’s city centre skyline providing 16 floors and almost 150,000 sq ft of high-quality office accommodation. Following the refurbishment and a successful marketing campaign we now have only the South Wing left available.”

Phil Morton of Morton Property Consultants said: “The landlord has invested heavily in the building and high-quality office accommodation remains at a premium in the city centre, and we have good levels of interest in the remaining available space.”