Do’s and Don’ts of auto enrolment on menu at free breakfast briefing

A free breakfast seminar hosted by Nottingham firm EBS Accountants will deliver the do’s and don’ts for SME’s and OMB’s of pension auto enrolment.

The ‘bite-size’ breakfast session ‘Auto enrolment – the clock’s ticking’ takes place from 8.30am to 10am on the 16th October at EBS’ offices on Nottingham’s Barker Gate.

Guest speaker is David Pavier of Nottingham-based financial services group CDG, which provides financial planning for businesses and individuals.

“Auto enrolment and the associated duties on employers represent the biggest-ever shake up in retirement and pension provision in the UK in the last 100 years,” comments Jill Evenden, managing director of EBS. “Our event is designed to provide succinct, relevant, practical advice on what local businesses should be doing to prepare for auto enrolment.”

The largest companies in the UK were the first group to start enrolling staff from October last year. “The staging date for businesses employing between 50 and 249 employees is April next year,” explains Jill, “and those employing 49 or less staff is August 2015.

“It is tempting for the businesses affected to look at these staging dates and leave taking any action to plan for auto enrolment. However, it can take between six and 18 months to get ready for the implementation of auto enrolment, and to get it right. Our seminar will distil the facts around auto enrolment to ensure business owners and managers can be sure how to decide which workers are eligible for enrolment. The event aims to give them all the information needed to take away a clear set of duties, obligations, actions and key dates, so that they can be sure of compliance.”

The Breakfast Briefing is the first in the firm’s Autumn/Winter series of free events for SMEs. For more information and to reserve a free place at the first, auto enrolment Breakfast Briefing, email Debra Pearson at EBS Accountants: [email protected], or Tel: 0115 956 5404.