700,000 PDR sites for free!

Permitted Development Rights are a really hot topic right now, as you may have seen in the press recently. B1c industrial sites are now, having met certain criteria, able to be converted into residential, opening up a huge opportunity for agents, developers and investors.

But how can you find these sites near you? Singularly you can drop into Nimbus Maps filters and search an area. As a research exercise, via our Bespoke Data team, we asked them to find every site in England and Wales that meets the criteria. They found over 700,000!

What are we going to do with the information?  

Give it to you for free in the form of an Excel file with clickable links back into your Nimbus Maps software. Why? To show you the power of data within Nimbus Maps! Click here to be taken to the page where you can download the schedule with the complete list of potential sites in England & Wales.

Happy Hunting!

Check out our PDR YouTube Video

PDR criteria