Innovative traders urged to test water at Chinese mission breakfast briefing

South west high tech and green technology businesses, who want to do deals with China can hear more about opportunities at a special breakfast briefing being held in Bristol at the end of the month.

The briefing will outline details of the Smart Cities’ China Trade Mission, which will take businesses from the region to Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in November this year.

The breakfast meeting will be held on April 29 at HSBC Bristol and Bath Commercial Centre in Temple Back, Bristol giving businesses an outline of the trade opportunities available and a run-down of the cities, businesses and leaders they will meet.

The West of England China Bureau hopes the briefing will encourage innovative hi-tech and green technology firms from the Bristol and Bath area to snap up one of the remaining places on the trade mission, which is planned for November this year.

Bureau Director Richard Lowe said the briefing would include a rundown on the Smart Cities China Trade Mission itinerary from November 7-16 which will take in the trade hotspots of Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

He said: “We are targeting innovative green technology firms especially those involved in waste management and handling alongside businesses specialising in energy recovery from waste.

“Firms involved in silicon design, silicon IP and embedded software are also encouraged to find out more about the thriving Chinese market.

“There are clear opportunities for dealmakers and innovators to promote their business and expertise in one of the fastest growing economies in the world as well as assisting firms in securing partners, projects, start up and export opportunities.

“The breakfast briefing gives businesses the opportunity to network with colleagues who may have already explored trade connections and develop an insight into the growth potential within the vast China & Asia Pacific markets.”

The Mission has been organised by Red Dragon Advisers in Partnership with the West of England China Bureau and other organisations in China and the UK. Funding options for delegates are available through UKTI.

The South West is a world-leader in silicon and semi-conductor technology and is at the centre of the UK’s low carbon innovation hub and is regarded as a front-runner in the race to link up with partner organisations in China.

For more information and to book a place at the breakfast briefing visit the website at