The floral trail, which has enhanced the city centre landscape for the last two years, has returned and is even bigger and better than before as well as giving people the opportunity to win a £100 worth of vouchers to spend in the city centre.
Jointly sponsored by the Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID) and Nottingham City Council, the trail, which comprises specially designed willow sculptures planted with an array of plants that will flower across the Summer, is designed to enhance the city centre environment and encourage visitors to explore the entire city.
It comprises twelve sculptures representing the broad mix of retail and leisure businesses in the city.
Each planter features a phrase and a QR code. Either scan the code using a mobile phone (anyone without a QR reader is encouraged to download the RedLaser app) or alternatively find the competition on Facebook and complete the details. With twelve planters across the city, there are twelve chances to win £100 worth of vouchers to spend at retail and leisure businesses that are members of the BID. There is also the opportunity to sign up for VIP Nottingham, the free online reward scheme for all the best offers and treats from city centre shops and licensed premises.
The planted sculptures have been commissioned by Nottingham in Bloom on behalf of the Nottingham BID. Nottingham City Council’s Nursery team at Woodthorpe Grange have enhanced the sculptures with a variety of eye-catching plants.
The trail will also form part of Nottingham’s entry into the East Midlands in Bloom competition.
“Improving the city centre environment is one of the main objectives of the Nottingham BID as it helps to enhance the overall experience for visitors to our city,” said Neil Fincham, chairman of the Nottingham BID’s place management advisory group and centre manager at the Exchange. “Ensuring that the city is attractive, welcoming, clean and safe is vital. The floral trail is one of a number of initiatives that we organise that really improves the overall look and feel of our city so that people enjoy the experience and want to return. The competition also creates added interest and encourages people to visit different parts of the city centre.”
Councillor Cat Arnold, Nottingham City Council’s Executive Assistant for Culture and Tourism says: “The floral trail is a big hit with shoppers and visitors to the city centre and we are delighted that there are four beautiful new sculptures to see this year. The planting by the Nursery staff really enhances the wicker work and I am sure the trail will be another great talking point this summer.”