Welsh firm helps businesses meet new PPE hearing protection regulations

Director Kevin Davies and Production Technicians at Minerva Hearing

A Cardiff-based company Minerva Hearing is responding to new PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Regulations for the protection of employees’ hearing by offering businesses across Wales on-site visits to ensure that staff and companies are fully protected.

The new PPE rules come into force on 6 April 2022 and require that all employees are safeguarded from the hazard of noise. Employers are also advised that exposure to high-level sounds for even a short duration represents a risk.

Kevin Davies, Technical Director at Minerva Hearing, says: “We find that people are genuinely shocked when they realise what type of workplace noise can cause long-term damage to people’s hearing.

“Employers must assess the risk to hearing at 80 decibels and provide hearing protection at 85 decibels. To put that into context, a busy restaurant can reach 80 decibels, and a hand-held drill is around 100 decibels.”

All companies must adhere to Health and Safety at Work regulations and be aware that breaching regulations is a criminal offence which can incur unlimited fines. Employees can also act litigiously against companies if noise levels cause them to suffer hearing loss, with injury claims companies actively advertising that compensation can be claimed.

“Providing the correct hearing protectors is essential,” explains Davies, “It is why we offer a service where we take fittings on-site and then create affordable custom-made protectors at our Cardiff-based manufacturing facility. They are custom fitted to the exact shape of an ear canal, they reduce noise to a safe, acceptable level and still allow for communication.”

Minerva Hearing has 70 years of experience manufacturing custom hearing solutions, with clients that include the NHS, Formula One racing teams as well as many companies in sectors where noise and communication are factors.

“With new PPE Regulations set to be introduced, our on-site service is an easy and effective way for companies to protect their staff and their business,” adds Davies.

“The service also includes a three-month follow-up to check that the ear plugs still provide 100 per cent protection. By acting now, companies can stay compliant, and safeguard their staff.”