EY Birmingham supports three Midlands charities as part of Christmas giving campaign

L-R: Lisa Grier of EY, with Mick from Birmingham Crisis Centre and Hayley Hipgrave, Caroline Lowndes and Jayne Dolphin, all of EY.

Staff at EY Birmingham, alongside their suppliers, have shown their generosity this Christmas, by taking part in a special festive giving campaign, supporting three Midlands-based charities.

Inspired to take action by the challenges facing charities during 2020, EY Birmingham, led by its CSR network and People Forum, set about creating a Christmas giving campaign that all of the 1000 strong members of the office team, and their families, could get involved in.

The challenge was divided into three parts, each with the purpose of providing much needed food and other items to three local charities. One team took on the challenge of creating over 50 Christmas Eve boxes for children of all ages, and a further 20 treat boxes for mums, to donate to Birmingham Crisis Centre. Gifts included toys, books and items of clothing for kids, alongside treats and pamper items for mums.

Other team members were tasked with creating boxes for Let’s Feed Brum, to be gifted at the charity’s annual Christmas Dinner for the homeless at Birmingham Cathedral. The boxes contained much needed items, including warm socks, hats and scarfs, as well as toiletries and treats.

In addition, EY Birmingham staff got behind the challenge of donating food items for Birmingham Central Food Bank – with an overwhelming response from the team.

EY’s suppliers were also instrumental in the campaign, providing additional food, including 1,800 items of tinned food, and nearly 500 bags of dried pasta. They also provided much needed logistical support, making it possible for food boxes and donations to be delivered to Birmingham Central Food Bank.

Dan Hurd, a Turnaround and Restructuring Partner at EY in Birmingham, who also leads the People Forum, said: “We were completely overwhelmed by the level of engagement by the team in Birmingham in this year’s campaign. It’s been a difficult year with so many affected by the global pandemic.

“It’s clear from the success of this campaign, that everyone wanted to give something back to support some of the charities that we’ve worked with previously, recognising that they’ve been particularly hard hit in 2020. I’m really proud of our achievements and all the amazing work, creativity and enthusiasm of all of our people who made it happen whilst overcoming the significant logistical challenges presented by the pandemic.

Leon Mills, Manager at Birmingham, Central Foodbank added: I would like to thank Ernst & Young for their generosity. At times like this when our world has been thrown into chaos it is often the disadvantage that suffer most. I am very proud to say that during this time I have witnessed our city and communities come together to do what they can to help those in need. It is this heart and compassion that will see us through this pandemic and restore hope to all.”

EY Audit Partner Andy Williams, who heads up the CSR team in Birmingham, added: “This year we’ve been unable to take part in the usual community and volunteer activities that we’d normally do due to the global pandemic, so it was really important that we encouraged as many people as possible to get behind this campaign to help disadvantaged communities, the homeless and those at risk of domestic violence. I’m incredibly privileged to have been part of the amazing team who have worked on this project and I’m looking forward to seeing how we can continue to support worthy causes in 2021.”