Hartnell Taylor Cook’s Martin Davenport takes over the Presidency of The Rating Surveyors’ Association

Hartnell Taylor Cook LLP’s rating partner, Martin Davenport, who is based in the company’s London office has taken over the Presidency of The Rating Surveyors’ Association, in a year which could see some significant changes to the Business Rating system.

Martin, who has over 35 years in the business and has been a specialist rating surveyor for most of those years, and spent last 15 years with Hartnell Taylor Cook LLP advising on all sectors across the UK stated in his inaugural speech:-

“There are major changes afoot to the current rating system which will see some of the biggest changes for a quarter of a century. It is being radically overhauled and the proposed new system of Check, Challenge, Appeal is a complete departure from the current system with the onus being firmly placed upon the appellant to set out why he or she thinks the VO’s valuation is wrong right from the start. A dramatic change!

The proposed changes will affect everyone including property occupiers and owners, the billing authorities and the Valuation Office Agency. But more concerning, what impact will this have upon the majority of ratepayers who are unrepresented, how are they going to protect their position?

The new system comes in next April and draft figures are released at the end of September this year so everyone needs to start thinking about these changes now.

I can confirm The Rating Surveyors’ Association has been working behind the scenes and testing the new changes, making suggestions and seeking to be involved in discussion groups and we will try to influence the new system so that it will work as smoothly as possible and importantly as effectively as possible for the people who matter – our clients, the ratepayers.

We are also involved in discussions on the future of the rating profession. Whether there are going to be more frequent valuations or alternative ways to tax property. For example Self-Assessment or a formula approach and 2016/17 could be a pivotal year for the future of business rates.”

The Rating Surveyors’ Association was founded in 1909 and is a professional organisation representing the interests of experienced Chartered Surveyors who specialise in the field of business rates and can demonstrate that they comply with the highest of professional standards. The Association now has over 425 members drawn from private practice, corporate bodies, the Valuation Office Agency and local authorities

The Association works closely with the various bodies responsible for the rating system including the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Valuation Office Agency, local authorities and the Valuation Tribunals with the aim of improving the business rates system and keep their members informed.