Public get chance to help frame Gloucestershire homes strategy

People across Gloucestershire are being urged to have their say on housing strategies which will shape development across the county for the next decade and beyond.
Planning Specialist James Edwards at West property specialists Colliers International  has urged local residents, businesses, land and property owners to send in their comments on the Joint Core Strategy covering Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Borough and Gloucester City    Councils.
He said: “The Core Strategy will set the framework from which key decisions will be made in these council areas and will affect the location of new homes. It will also set policies on tourism, community facilities, climate change, historic buildings  and employment areas.
“It’s important local people have a chance to air their views on issues which will guide development for the next twenty years.”
The latest strategy package –  Developing the Preferred Options  – sets out the three respective council’s collective aspirations for taking the area forward.
James Edwards said: “These proposals present all interested parties with a valuable opportunity to help in moulding a wider more strategic policy framework for this area.
“Since the abolition of the regional tier of planning policy, the councils have sought to provide a more holistic intra-regional approach which ensures that the wider area can benefit from the joined up thinking between the three local authorities.”
Comments are sought on how the councils seek to address the shortfall in housing provision as well as other key issues affecting the area as a whole. 
Colliers international are currently working with land owners in submitting comments to the councils.
The consultation period runs from  December 13 to  February 12 2012, and further details can be found on any of the respective council websites.